HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: WebSockets & Asynchronous Processing
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Discover how web communication is implemented using the WebSocket and Web Worker APIs, Web Worker processes, and asynchronous processing.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson ObjectivesHTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3: WebSockets & Asynchronous Processing
define the HTML5 WebSocket standard and how WebSockets work
recognize various web browser communications and limitations
recognize how to set up a WebSocket connection
recognize how to use WebSocket to send messages to a web server
recognize how to receive messages from a web server via a WebSocket
define HTML5 Web Workers and their purpose
recognize how to create a Web Worker and control a Web Worker from the main page
recognize the process of message passing in HTML5 with Web Workers
illustrate the foundations of asynchronous programming in Javascript
recall the concept and functionalities of the callback functions
illustrate the concept of utilizing the callback hell functions
recognize how to use Promise objects in asynchronous operation
demonstrate how we can use Async-await in asynchronous operation
recognize code processing with HTML5 Web Workers
recognize the benefits of Web Workers to improve performance
recognize the various WebSockets and methods with HTML5
Course Number:it_wdphjc_08_enus
Expertise Level