Bootstrap Forms and Layout

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

HTML forms and page layout are typical Bootstrap tasks. During this course, you will explore the world of Bootstrap, such as basic interactivity and layout across platforms and devices. You'll look at form inputs, lists, radio buttons, and checkboxes. Control the state of a form and its controls. Change the border of an image and implement a utility. Examine utility classes that control positioning and responsiveness. Demonstrate iconic fonts usage. Group buttons for special effect. Prepend and append text or buttons to text-based input. As a review exercise, you will use Bootstrap components to build a simple form.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Bootstrap Forms and Layout

  • build a form using Bootstrap
  • outline the input types that Bootstrap supports
  • configure a drop-down list box
  • work with radio buttons and checkboxes
  • control the state of a form and its controls
  • change the border of an image and implement a utility
  • examine utility classes that control positioning and responsiveness
  • demonstrate the use of iconic fonts
  • group buttons for special effect
  • prepend and append text or buttons to text-based input
  • use Bootstrap components to build a simple form
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level