Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Canadian Workplace (Retired)
Overview/Description Target Audience Prerequisites Expected Duration Lesson Objectives Course Number Overview/Description
In recent years, high profile incidents of workplace harassment and violence have heightened employee and employer concerns about safety in the workplace. While the incidents you hear about are often extreme, harassment and violence could happen in the workplace any time. The way a company deals with even the most seemingly trivial incident can make the difference between another day at the office, and front page news. This course will explore the forms harassment can take in the workplace and will also examine the factors that contribute to violence at work. The key to preventing harassment and violence in the workplace is for all employees to be aware of the warning signs and to become familiar with their companies' policies and procedures that address these issues. This course is designed for use in all provinces as a component of an organization's anti-harassment and anti-violence training program, such as is required under Ontario's Bill 168 and Bill 132 and, for companies under federal jurisdiction, Canada’s Bill C-65. Each organization that utilizes this training is responsible for determining whether this training should be supplemented with additional training in order to meet applicable provincial and federal standards on workplace violence and harassment prevention.