The Communication of a Shared Vision

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney's words ring as true today as they did many years ago when they were first displayed above the Epcot Centre. The importance of a vision cannot be denied. Neither can the importance of communicating that vision to the people responsible for supporting it. Communicating your vision gives purpose and meaning to the work that people do. Pursuing and accomplisa thing that vision with a sense of integrity builds trust in you as an individual and as a leader. This course will teach you how to communicate a shared vision and implement it across all sectors of your working environment.

Target Audience
Supervisors, managers and coaches

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

The Communication of a Shared Vision

  • recognise the importance of thinking like a visionary.
  • use actions that demonstrate visionary thinking in a given scenario.
  • identify how the past can be utilised to formulate a vision.
  • specify elements that enhance the process for creating a vision.
  • communicate your vision to employees in a way that will achieve employee commitment.
  • recognise the benefits of having meaningful work.
  • choose techniques that assist leaders in providing purpose and direction.
  • identify how purpose, teamwork and systems are interconnected.
  • identify elements that make up organisational culture.
  • recognise the value of balancing the desire to succeed and ability with integrity.
  • determine if appropriate actions have been taken by a well balanced leader in a given scenario.
  • use empathy to build trust with an employee, in a given scenario.
  • demonstrate ethics to build trust in a given scenario.
  • recognise the benefits of acting on your goals.
  • apply the process for setting a realistic goal, in a given scenario.
  • select elements that contribute to committing to action.
  • apply the steps for strategic thinking to a planning situation, in a given scenario.
  • Identify the characteristics of various types of power that can be helpful in achieving goals.
  • Course Number: