An open-source system with many variants, UNIX is one of the most widely used OSes in the world. It has gained success in personal use markets such as desktop PCs (with UNIX-based operating systems like Linux and Mac OSX), and in smartphones with the Android OS. Its used by individuals, companies, and organizations for a variety of applications. Commercial UNIX systems include Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, and HP-UX. One of the things that makes UNIX so popular is its sophisticated network administration features. Administrators can exert precise controls over UNIX systems, both locally (workstation) and remotely (network and Internet). This course is an overview of UNIX network administration, including TCP/IP networking, implementing DHCP and DNS, using UNIX with Apache server, and file sharing with NFS and Samba.
Target Audience
Individuals and companies who want to get a thorough grounding in UNIX principles and operation.