Becoming a Manager: Responsibilities and Fears

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Promotion to management is obviously welcome and something to celebrate, but when the initial excitement is over, you may begin to wonder about your new responsibilities. Your main focus is now on managing the activities of others and ensuring that the company's resources are used effectively. Apprehensions about whether you are able to do the job are natural--it merely indicates a healthy respect for the role. Taking some time to consider how you can best direct your current abilities toward the new task will be time well spent. It is inevitable that your co-workers' expectations of you will change. It may be hard for some of your former colleagues to accept your promotion. Your new fellow managers, who were once senior to you, may also take some time to adjust. Again, thinking through some of the possible scenarios you may face will help you to be better prepared.

Target Audience
Anyone who is about to be promoted or has recently been promoted to his or her first management or supervisory role.


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Becoming a Manager: Responsibilities and Fears

  • recognize the benefit of reviewing the responsibilities associated with the new management role.
  • determine whether the elements of performance management have been applied in a described situation.
  • characterize the ways in which a budget can be used as a management tool.
  • match described scenarios with the resources needed by a new manager.
  • recognize the benefits to a new manager of appreciating insecurities and fears.
  • apply the sources of power and authority to establish credibility in a given situation.
  • match sources of authority with brief described situations.
  • determine the causes of and the steps that can be taken to overcome stress in a described situation.
  • match Handy's five causes of stress in organizations with their associated characteristics.
  • determine the appropriate information sources for a described situation.
  • recognize the value of knowing how the attitudes of others toward you may change after your promotion.
  • match strategies for dealing with negative reactions of former teammates with examples of the negative reactions.
  • respond appropriately to overcome negative reactions from former teammates.
  • deal effectively with the attitudes of fellow managers.
  • match the reactions of fellow managers to their likely behavior.
  • meet organizational expectations in a given situation.
  • identify what the organization expects from a new manager.
  • Course Number: