In Excel 2007, there are a number of options for importing data and sharing data with other applications. Excel 2007 includes built-in functionality for importing text files and creating database queries to retrieve data from a variety of databases. Other applications, such as Access, Word, and Outlook, can also import Excel data. Using XML in conjunction with Excel enables you to further manage and customize workbooks. This course explores creating links, importing text files, and creating database and web queries. Importing Excel 2007 data into other applications and using XML in Excel 2007 are also covered.
Target Audience
End users seeking proficiency in the use of Microsoft Excel 2007 at a power user level or seeking to obtain Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification in Microsoft Excel 2007 at an Expert level or an equivalent.
Some knowledge of word processing, computing, and spreadsheets; familiarity with the Microsoft Office work environment; an understanding of the Internet and web-page functionality