Using Slide Show Presentation Tools in PowerPoint 2016

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 provides options for controlling all aspects of a slide show, ensuring you can show your audience just the right content at the right times. In this course, you'll learn how to set up and manage slide shows, including controlling slide timing and the playback of audio narration. The course also covers the use of master slides to help ensure consistency throughout a presentation, and options for hiding or showing specific slides when you're delivering a presentation. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for intermediate-level users.

Target Audience
Users who have some familiarity with Microsoft PowerPoint and want to extend their knowledge of new and more sophisticated features in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Using Slide Show Presentation Tools in PowerPoint 2016

  • start the course
  • set a slide show type and set a slide show to loop continuously in PowerPoint 2016
  • play back audio narrations and laser pointer gestures and show media controls in a slide show in PowerPoint 2016
  • set up the Presenter view in PowerPoint 2016
  • choose which slides to show when presenting a slide show in PowerPoint 2016
  • rehearse a slide show presentation and adjust timings where necessary in PowerPoint 2016
  • create a custom slide show from particular slides within a presentation in PowerPoint 2016
  • access and edit a custom slide show and view the changes in PowerPoint 2016
  • record audio narrations, laser pointer gestures, and slide and animation timings so they can be replayed during a slide show in PowerPoint 2016
  • insert a master slide and choose elements to place in the master layout in PowerPoint 2016
  • modify and format a master slide in PowerPoint 2016
  • hide or show slides when delivering a PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • create a custom slide show, configure the Presenter view, and add and modify a master slide in PowerPoint 2016
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level