Automation Using Bash and Expect

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Discover process automation for Unix and Linux systems with Bash and Expect shell scripts. See how to create Expect scripts to automate inputs to another command or script; prompt for user input with the interact command; employ autoexpect; automate FTP and SCP sessions to transfer files; and use rsync and SSH for secure local and remote backups of files and directories. Use the Korn shell and the C shell and compare them to Bash.

Target Audience
System administrators, DevOPS, software developers, and users who may need to create scripts to automate processes in a Linux or Linux-like environment


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Automation Using Bash and Expect

  • start the course
  • create a script that can automate inputs to another command or script using expect
  • use the expect interact command to prompt the user for input in an automated script
  • work with autoexpect to create scripts and control advanced features of expect
  • automate an FTP session to transfer files
  • automate file transfers over SCP in an expect script
  • back up files or directories using rsync on a local system via an expect script
  • use rsync and ssh to transfer or back up files and directories between remote systems via an expect script
  • work with the Korn shell and identify some of its differences from Bash
  • use the C shell and identify the differences between the two shell environments
  • create scripts to automate processes and create backups on local and remote systems
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level