Preparing for Change

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

When the organisation you work for changes and demands that you change along with it, cautiousness and uncertainty are natural. Change indicates the end of the tried, trusted and familiar. But change is also a new beginning—a catalyst into a new and potentially exciting personal future. "Preparing for Change" focuses on the mental attitudes and behaviours you need to develop in order to take advantage of the opportunities for personal growth that can accompany organisational change. You gain insights into how to learn and when to learn. You acquire the skills and strategies you need to manage your change effectively. The course also shows you how to focus on the future in ways that will encourage successful personal outcomes from the change process.

Target Audience
Individuals who have to adjust to the demands of organisational change


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Preparing for Change

  • identify the benefits of knowing, at a time of organisational change, the most effective ways to learn.
  • identify examples of the four different learning styles.
  • distinguish between examples of formal and non-formal learning opportunities.
  • use an active learning strategy, in a given scenario.
  • recognise examples of the elements of the active learning strategy.
  • identify the benefits of being prepared with the skills to manage change.
  • demonstrate the qualities necessary to work effectively with change in a specific situation.
  • match the elements of working effectively with change to examples of the behaviours associated with them.
  • identify examples of the parts of the strategy required to review your situation at a time of change.
  • take the actions required to demonstrate self-motivation, in a given context.
  • match the action types required to demonstrate self-motivation to examples.
  • identify the benefits of having skills and strategies that focus on the future at a time of organisational change.
  • distinguish between examples of the four most important transferable skills.
  • define the four most important transferable skills.
  • apply a strategy to plan effectively for change, in a given situation.
  • identify examples of elements that form an effective planning strategy for change.
  • apply a reframing strategy at a time of organisational change.
  • recognise examples of the essential elements of a reframing strategy.
  • Course Number: