Optimizing Your Work/Life Balance: Taking Control of Your Stress
Overview/Description Target Audience Expected Duration Lesson Objectives Course Number Overview/Description
In 'Occupational Stress,' Stephen Palmer wrote 'Stress is the psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those demands, which, over a period of time, leads to ill-health.' Are you constantly adding items to your to-do list and it seems like your list never shrinks? Are you feeling overwhelmed at work and at home? Are you afraid that stress is starting to negatively impact your health and relationships? Stress is produced by your own feelings and reactions to certain external events, rather than by the events themselves. And while you may not always be able to control the external events that are causing you stress, you can control your reactions to them and how you handle them. This course will explain how the signs and symptoms of stress could be of physiological, behavioral, and psychological nature and where these stresses can come from. This course reviews strategies for coping with stress and avoiding burnout. The course also covers how you can positively change your responses to stress once you are able to recognize how you respond to stressful situations. Relaxation techniques such as breathing and mediation are also covered. Materials designed to support blended learning activities aligned with this course are available from the Resources Page.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at individuals who wish to balance their work/life responsibilities.