Working with Data in AngularJS

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

AngularJS is designed to facilitate the development of rich, robust, single-page web applications. This course will teach you about working with AngularJS application data in a client browser, by covering concepts such as offline detection and availability, caching, storing data in the client, and creating data models.

Target Audience
Web developers with a basic understanding of developing AngularJS apps who wish to learn more advanced concepts related to AngularJS


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Working with Data in AngularJS

  • start the course
  • describe how to detect network status changes in an AngularJS application
  • install the offline.js library in an AngularJS application
  • use the offline.js library to detect when the network changes from an AngularJS application
  • use the offline.js simulator to test how an AngularJS responds to network changes
  • describe the different options for caching AngularJS applications
  • create an HTML5 AppCache manifest file
  • configure an HTML5 AppCache manifest to always load certain resources from the network
  • configure fallbacks in the HTML5 AppCache manifest that can be used when specific paths are unavailable
  • reliably update files identified in the AppCache manifest
  • install angular-cache and use it to create a new cache
  • store data and retrieve stored data from an angular-cache cache
  • remove data from an angular-cache cache
  • use an angular-cache cache in conjunction with the $HTTP service
  • describe the different options for persisting AngularJS data in the client
  • detect whether a client browser supports IndexedDB
  • store AngularJS data in a client browser using local storage
  • retrieve local storage data in an AngularJS application
  • store AngularJS data in a client browser using IndexedDB
  • retrieve IndexedDB stored data in an AngularJS application
  • recognize how to work with data models in AngularJS using js-data-angular
  • install and configure the js-data-angular script file into an AngularJS application
  • use the DSHttpAdapter to access data
  • use the DSLocalStorageAdapter to access data
  • create AngularJS applications that can work with offline data
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level