Securing Mobile Devices in the Enterprise: Mobile Security Threat Mitigation
Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level
Once you have identified threats to mobile security, the next step in creating the fully mobile-aware enterprise is to look at mitigation strategies. In this course, you will learn about threat mitigation in a small, unmanaged environment; in a semi-managed environment using Exchange ActiveSync; and in a fully managed environment using a mobile device management (MDM) solution. You will also learn about mitigation from a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and a company-owned device (COD) perspective.
Target Audience
Enterprise network engineers and managers, network security engineers and managers, anyone tasked with providing secure access to company resources from mobile devices
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives Securing Mobile Devices in the Enterprise: Mobile Security Threat Mitigation
start the course
describe the requirements for establishing a mobile enterprise
describe mobile device ownership models and how they relate to a coherent mobile threat mitigation strategy
describe mitigation strategies for unmanaged devices in a small organization
describe mitigation strategies for unmanaged company-owned devices
describe appropriate user policies for risk mitigation with unmanaged devices
configure security settings on unmanaged Android devices
configure security settings on |INS |/INS unmanaged iPhone and iPad iOS devices
configure security settings on |INS |/INS unmanaged Windows Phone devices
describe requirements for secure cloud storage
use Boxcryptor to encrypt and secure cloud data
describe Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync functionality for managing mobile devices
configure Office 365 Exchange ActiveSync to manage mobile devices
describe challenges with transport layer security, and how they can be solved with short-lived session keys and perfect forward secrecy
configure perfect forward secrecy in Internet Information Services
describe virtual private networks for securing network connections
connect a mobile device to a VPN server
describe BYOD containers for segregating data on BYOD devices
describe usage scenarios for BYOD containers
configure BYOD containers using Good Work
describe security functionality offered by app wrapper technologies for mobile devices
describe methods to mitigate malicious functionality in mobile apps
describe methods to mitigate code vulnerabilities in mobile apps
describe Microsoft Azure Rights Management cloud-based rights management system
configure Microsoft Azure Rights Management System to protect confidential documents
describe mitigation strategies for BYOD and COD devices in the enterprise
Course Number: sp_emds_a03_it_enus
Expertise Level