Elements of a Bonded Team

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Three elements are always present in any effective, bonded team: open communication, cooperation and trust. Like the strands of a cord, these elements hold the team together and give it strength. Without these elements, team members will not participate fully in team activities and they won't find true satisfaction in their work. When trust and open communication is present, ideas flow and people find solutions to problems. When there's cooperation, team members feel connected to each other and morale is high. This course introduces techniques for building a bonded team and highlights how poor communication, an environment devoid of trust and a lack of cooperation among team members leads to failure of the team in achieving its goals. This course covers what is needed in order to reach true unity and bonding, which will in turn make the team to grow higher.

Target Audience
All levels of employees; anyone who participates in any type of team

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Elements of a Bonded Team

  • recognise examples of communicating in a way that builds a bonded team
  • recognise examples of promoting cooperation among team members
  • recognise examples of team members who demonstrate strategies for building trust
  • use strategies for building a bonded team
  • Course Number: