Data persistence is an important aspect of multi-tier web applications, and appropriate validation and security are crucial to any software application. In this course, you'll learn how to use Entity Framework 7 to persist data to a database. You'll learn how to use the built-in features of AngularJS to implement validation in the SPA created with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API. You'll use ASP.NET validation attributes in the Web API. You'll update the database and controllers to take account of the validation. You'll also implement security – in this case you'll use ASP.NET Identity. Finally, you'll learn how to force login using the Authorize attribute, forward claims data from ASP.NET to AngularJS, and secure API controller actions.
Target Audience
Developers familiar with AngularJS, C# and Visual Studio who want to use AngularJS and ASP.NET's MVC 6 Web API and Entity Framework 7 to create SPAs
AngularJS and ASP.NET 5 MVC 6: Data Persistence, Validation, and Security
start the course
add the Entity Framework (EF) 7 NuGet packages to the project
create an Entity Framework DbContext class
register the EF DbContext with the application services
configure the database connection string in the Config.json file
avail of dependency injection to enable the Web API controller to use the DbContext class
use the command prompt or NuGet Package Manager Console to perform database migrations
use built-in features of AngularJS to configure client-side form validation
update an ASP.NET model to use validation attributes
update the Web API controller on the server to check for a valid model state and display validation messages
update the client controllers to show validation messages coming from the server
store app data persistently as well as validate data on client and server side
enable ASP.NET Identity by adding required packages and updating ConfigureServices() method in startup file to register services with the Dependency Injection framework
modify the DbContext class to inherit from IdentityDbContext to use ASP.NET Identity
modify the startup file to create the database, sample data, and add users at startup
modify the application to serve the Angular index files as a MVC view
force user login by using the Authorize attribute on the Home controller
pass claims data for users from ASP.NET to AngularJS
modify the application to add functionality for authenticated users to log out
modify the application to restrict access to web API endpoints based on authentication and claims
configure use of EF7 and add validation and security to an app using AngularJS and MVC6 Web API