In common with Ruby frameworks, Sinatra uses the Rack interface. This allows it to harness the functionality of Rack and enables the generation of Sinatra applications as a combination of middleware applications. After covering more advanced features of extensions, helpers, templates, views, and databases in the context of Sinatra applications, this course covers using Rack middleware with Sinatra. It also covers generating subclasses to create modular Sinatra applications. You'll also learn how to create a REST service using Sinatra. Finally, you'll learn how to manage Sinatra dependencies and assets, reload code, and deploy applications using Heroku or Apache Passenger.
Target Audience
Developers familiar with Ruby who want to use Sinatra to build web applications
create and use helper methods in blocks in Sinatra
use Sinatra's registered method to combine helpers and extensions in an application
compare how to dynamically change the binding of a block in Sinatra by using instance_eval or by dynamically creating a method from the block, getting the unbound method object, and removing the method
implement a Rails style partial handler in a Sinatra application
use the CoffeeScript template in Sinatra applications
use RSS feed templates with builder in Sinatra applications
generate and use a MongoMapper model in a Sinatra application
connect to different databases such as SQLite and Mongo from a Sinatra application
describe Rack and port an application defined using Sinatra to Rack
use Rack middleware with Sinatra
demonstrate the dispatch action that Sinatra uses when running as middleware
implement Rack authentication in a Sinatra application
using Rack::Test to test a Sinatra application
define Sinatra::Base and use it to create a subclass and run the application in Sinatra using run
describe how Sinatra can subclass subclasses and describe how all elements, routes, settings, and methods are inherited by all subclasses
use inheritance in Sinatra to build a controller architecture
run a Sinatra-based modular application checking that the file containing the modular code has been executed and using config.ru
use Sinatra.new() to generate an anonymous modular application and show to inherit from a different superclass
use helpers and extensions in modular Sinatra applications
use a Sinatra application as middleware in front of another application
use Rack::Cascade to cascade applications as an alternative to a middleware chain
use a Rack router to combine apps as an alternative to chaining or cascading
describe how to work with return values in modular applications including Sinatra applications used as Rack middleware
create a REST service using Sinatra
use the Sinatra asset-pack gem to manage assets in an application
use the shotgun gem to enable Sinatra code to be reloaded automatically
use Heroku to deploy a Sinatra application
use Apache and Passenger to deploy Sinatra applications