Photoshop CS4: Beyond the Basics

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Adobe Photoshop CS4 enables you to manipulate digital photos and projects in a variety of ways: from subtly correcting photo flaws to creating dynamic original artwork. This course explores the tools you need to select, correct, adjust, and even create images. Features such as the new Content Aware scaling, and those used to adjust an image's overall color and tonality are also included, as are Photoshop's equivalent to natural media tools used for painting and drawing. The course also delves into the exciting realm of Photoshop filters, layer styles, and blend modes.

Target Audience
The audience profile is a range of Graphic Design or other business/IT professionals needing to learn the basics of using Adobe Photoshop CS4 without any experience with the specific product. Students are expected to have basic computing and word-processing skills, familiarity with some web and design terminology, and experience working in a Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh environment.


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Photoshop CS4: Beyond the Basics

  • recognize how to use the lasso tools to create a selection
  • modify a selection in Photoshop
  • recognize how to hide and lock layers in Photoshop
  • organize layers in Photoshop
  • add text to an image and format it
  • recognize how to create a mask from text
  • recognize how the Brush tool works in Photoshop
  • recognize how to use the basic shape tools
  • use the Pen tool to create vector graphics
  • work with selections and layers in Photoshop
  • use Photoshop tools for creating artwork
  • recognize how to apply filters to an image in Photoshop CS4
  • recognize how to apply content-aware scaling in Photoshop CS4
  • recognize how to apply tonal adjustments in Photoshop CS4
  • recognize how to modify hue and saturation
  • recognize how to use the Dodge and Burn tools
  • recognize how to use the Clone Stamp tool
  • recognize how to improve an image using the Healing Brush and the Spot Healing Brush
  • recognize how to use the Patch tool
  • identify the different layer styles available in Photoshop CS4
  • recognize the features of the blend modes in Photoshop CS4
  • manipulate an image in Photoshop CS4
  • Course Number: