Professional in Human Resources: Compensation

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


It's not all about the money…or is it? In this course, you'll explore the different types of compensation and how to determine how much an individual is paid and by what type of compensation based on the type of work being done. Though HR is not responsible for payroll, they are usually the first line of response, so understanding how payroll works and verifying calculations will be important.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Professional in Human Resources: Compensation

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • distinguish between direct and indirect compensation programs
  • recall the foundational federal laws and regulations related to foundational compensation activities
  • recall the federal laws and regulations related to compensation activities prior to 1995
  • recall the federal laws and regulations related to compensation activities after 1995
  • identify the types of base payment methods
  • distinguish the types of wage payment methods
  • identify the mandatory differential payment methods
  • identify the types of variable compensation programs
  • identify the types of incentive programs paid for based on combined efforts
  • define the types of payment variations
  • describe the elements of executive compensation
  • recognize the close interaction between HR and payroll processes
  • troubleshoot payroll issues to address employee concerns
  • describe the process for calculating multiple straight-time rates of pay
  • calculate overtime on a piece-rate plan
  • recognize when the company needs to contribute to payments for tipped employees
  • Knowledge Check: Troubleshooting Questions about Employee Pay
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level