Ladder Safety Impact: Ladder Setup and The 4:1 Rule (Retired)

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Ladders need to be positioned properly before use so that a fall can be avoided. The 4:1 rule is designed to ensure that a ladder is secure when resting against a supporting surface. Methods such as tying off the ladder or using a spotter can be employed to prevent the movement of the ladder when in use. In this impact, John Knopf talks about ladder setup and the 4:1 rule.

Target Audience
Employees who use portable ladders during work tasks

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Ladder Safety Impact: Ladder Setup and The 4:1 Rule (Retired)

  • understand the credentials of the subject matter expert
  • determine safe ladder placement criteria and understand how to apply the 4:1 ladder placement rule
  • reflect on what you’ve learned
  • Course Number: