Hot work can be defined as any operation such as brazing, cutting, welding, grinding, soldering, heat treating, or torching that can cause sparks or flames. While such work is necessary, the hazards associated can be minimized through an effective hot work permit program. This course provides an overview of an OSHA-compliant hot work permit program, including the permit process, roles and responsibilities, and controls used to minimize the risk of fire. This course was developed with subject matter support provided by EnSafe Inc., a global professional services company focusing on engineering, environment, health and safety, and information technology. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.
Target Audience
All personnel involved in hot work operations