DOT: Cross-border Requirements (US and Canada)

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


The United States and Canada share the world's largest and most comprehensive trading relationship. Each year, billions of dollars' worth of goods are shipped between the countries, most by road and rail. In 1988, Canada and the US enacted free trade - an economic agreement that supports the trade of goods between countries without tariffs or other trade barriers. Mexico became a partner in 1994 in the broader North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). But although Canada and the US have aligned many trade regulations and standards, each country still has specific requirements for transporting goods across the border, particularly those goods deemed dangerous or hazardous.

Prior to taking this course, you should have completed Department of Transportation (DOT) hazardous material transportation training modules 1–4. In this course you will learn about cross-border regulations for shipping dangerous goods across the US-Canada border by road or rail. You'll also cover specific additional requirements for using US regulations when importing into Canada, and Canadian regulations when importing into the US.

This course was developed with subject matter support provided by EnSafe Inc., a global professional services company focusing on engineering, environment, health and safety, and information technology. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.

Target Audience
Employees involved in the shipping of hazardous goods and materials across the US-Canada border


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

DOT: Cross-border Requirements (US and Canada)

  • DOT: Cross-border Requirements (US and Canada)
  • identify the two main regulatory Acts that cover the cross-border transportation of dangerous goods by road and rail
  • identify the advantages of complying with Transport Canada and DOT dangerous goods regulations
  • Knowledge Check: Dangerous Goods Regulations
  • identify which proper shipping names can be used on shipping papers for cross-border shipments
  • identify dangerous goods that require an ERAP to be shipped into Canada
  • Knowledge Check: Transport Canada: Shipping Papers
  • recognize TDG-approved safety marks
  • Knowledge Check: Transport Canada: Marking, Labeling, and Placarding
  • identify when packaging authorized by Canada's TDG regulations may be used for transporting dangerous goods to the United States
  • Knowledge Check: DOT: Packaging Requirements
  • identify the correct format for a proper shipping description
  • recognize DOT requirements for transporting hazardous waste
  • determine proper package marking requirements for marine pollutants
  • Knowledge Check: DOT: Shipping Paper and Marking Requirements
  • identify when DOT regulations take precedence over TDG regulations
  • identify situations when TDG regulations take precedence over DOT regulations
  • Knowledge Check: Transport Canada and DOT Regulations
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level