Using Productivity Tools and Accessing Lotus Notes 8 Remotely

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

Lotus Notes 8 is the latest release of IBM's messaging and collaboration software. Included for the first time in Lotus Notes are word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications called Productivity Tools. These tools support the Open Document Format (ODF), which allows users to open and work with office documents from many major vendors. This course concentrates on the basics of the Productivity Tools such as interface navigation, opening and creating new documents, as well as formatting and editing text. Also discussed is Domino Web Access, and an exploration of creating replicas and replication schedules.

Target Audience
Individuals using, or planning to use, Lotus Notes Version 7 for messaging, communication, information services, and collaboration.


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Using Productivity Tools and Accessing Lotus Notes 8 Remotely

  • associate key areas of the productivity tool interface with their functions
  • recognize how to create new files and configure preferences for them
  • recognize how to open, save, and print a document with Lotus Documents
  • recognize how to edit and format a document using Lotus Documents
  • recognize how to enter and format data in a Lotus Spreadsheet file
  • recognize options for processing and presenting data using Lotus Spreadsheets
  • recognize how to set up a master page for a Lotus Presentation
  • recognize how to edit notes and pages in a Lotus Presentation
  • modify and print a document in a given scenario
  • enter and process spreadsheet data, in a given scenario
  • modify an existing presentation by creating a master page, in a given scenario
  • recognize how to log on to Notes 8 through Domino Web Access
  • identify Notes 8 functions that are available through Domino Web Access
  • recognize how to work offline with Domino Web Access
  • recognize how to choose and change the location the Notes 8 client will use
  • recognize how to replicate an application manually or set a replication schedule
  • use alternative methods for accessing Notes while ensuring that data is replicated, in a given scenario
  • Course Number: