Selenium Deep Dive: Use Cases for Web App Component Automated Testing

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


There are numerous components of web applications that need to be tested for the correct functionality in various types of scenarios. Practicing how to carry out these tests will help in gaining proficiency in automated testing.

In this course, you'll explore the lifecycle of web applications and the common taxonomy involved in managing typical web application functional scenarios. After this, you'll learn how to automate testing on a variety of critical web application components. You'll test forms and fields for various types of value and format requirements, such as currency, year, and mandatory fields. You'll then test web pages for several functionalities, such as those related to authentication, security, and error handling.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Selenium Deep Dive: Use Cases for Web App Component Automated Testing

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the lifecycle of web applications and the typical taxonomy involved in managing common web application functional scenarios
  • automate testing the mandatory fields of a form for correct value validation
  • automate web page testing to ensure all mandatory form fields are marked with an asterisk sign
  • automate testing scenarios where the systems or applications under test should not display error messages for the optional fields in the form
  • automate testing to validate the year fields for leap year validation and correctness
  • automate numeric field testing to ensure only valid literals can be accepted and in cases where invalid literals are entered the correct error messages are displayed
  • automate testing scenarios where users cannot enter negative numbers or zero on the text fields of a web page
  • automate testing scenarios where the currency field on a web page displaying monetary values is displayed in the correct format
  • automate testing scenarios where confirmation messages must be displayed whenever users initiate resource deletion or updating on web pages
  • automate testing to confirm a privacy policy is defined and displayed and that users are not allowed to move on to the next step until the privacy policy is accepted
  • automate testing scenarios where in the event of any functionality failure the users are redirected to a custom error page
  • automate testing to confirm proper usage of cookies as per the Web 2.0 standards
  • automate the testing of appropriate implementation of multi-factor authentication
  • automate testing scenarios where the animated GIFs must show similar animation effects on all browsers
  • automate testing scenarios where a user's account is locked after three failed password attempts, and the user is notified via email
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level