DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks and Testing

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Explore the basics of Ansible playbooks and various ways to test Ansible.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks and Testing

  • use Ansible to run ad-hoc tasks and configure SSH for key-based login
  • work with Ansible inventory
  • create an Ansible playbook
  • use YAML to write lists and dictionaries
  • reference variables in Ansible playbooks
  • use tasks and plays in an Ansible playbook
  • use Ansible conditions and loops
  • use YAMLlint to lint Ansible playbooks
  • understand Ansible compile, sanity, integration, and unit tests
  • perform tests against pull requests from Ansible on GitHub
  • create and use Ansible playbooks
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level