MEAN for FSD Development: Introduction to the MEAN Stack

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


The MEAN stack combines technologies that allow Javascript developers to create end-to-end applications from the browser through to the server side and database stores. In this 13-video course, discover the technologies that make up the MEAN stack and see how they fit together to deliver full stack solutions. Key concepts covered in this course include technologies that make up the MEAN stack and how they work together; installing Node runtime and also MongoDB for use on a development machine; and installing Express for use in a Mongo app. Learn to create a MongoDB collection and add documents to it from a Node app; read data from existing MongoDB collections into Node-based apps; and use Express to handle HTTP Get requests. Next, use Express to handle HTTP Post requests; learn to generate new Angular apps with Angular CLI (command-line interface); and make GET and POST calls to back-end servers from an Angular app. Finally, create a Node-based Express app; connect to a running MongoDB instance; use Mongoose to create a collection; define routes; and create Angular apps.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

MEAN for FSD Development: Introduction to the MEAN Stack

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify the different technologies that comprise the MEAN stack and how they work together
  • install Node runtime for use on a development machine
  • install MongoDB for use on a development machine
  • install Express for use in a Mongo app
  • create a MongoDB collection and add documents to it from a Node app
  • read data from existing MongoDB collections into a Node-based app
  • use Express to handle HTTP Get requests 
  • use Express to handle HTTP Post requests
  • generate a new Angular app using the Angular CLI
  • create a new component for use in an Angular app
  • make GET and POST calls to a back-end server from an Angular app
  • create a Node-based Express app, connect to a running MongoDB instance, use Mongoose to create a collection, define routes, and create an Angular app
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level