Python Classes & Inheritance: Advanced Functionality Using Python Classes

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Examine the advanced features that you can implement by using classes in Python, such as special methods, iterators, class properties, and abstract base classes. Key concepts covered in this 14-video course include how to represent objects by using customized strings; performing addition operations on custom objects; and performing subtraction operations on custom objects. Next, observe how to perform multiplication operations on custom objects and perform floor division, modulo, and power-of operations. Then study learn built-in functions to work with custom data types; learn to execute for-loops on custom data types; and learn about properties on classes for intuitive use. Learn about properties using a simpler syntax; work with class methods to access and update class state; work with utility methods on classes; and learn how to use the abstract method to make classes that are not instantiable base classes. Finally, learners will be shown special methods and what they represent; learn to define a class and create a property within it; and observe how to differentiate between class methods and static methods.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Python Classes & Inheritance: Advanced Functionality Using Python Classes

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • represent objects using customized strings
  • perform addition operations on custom objects
  • perform subtraction operations on custom objects
  • perform multiplication operations on custom objects
  • perform floor division, modulo, and power-of operations
  • allow built-in functions to work with custom data types
  • execute for-loops on custom data types
  • define properties on classes for intuitive use
  • define properties using a simpler syntax
  • work with class methods to access and update class state
  • work with utility methods on classes
  • define classes as abstract
  • list special methods and what they represent, define a class and create a property within it, and differentiate between class methods and static methods
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level