Functions in Python: Working with Advanced Features of Python Functions

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


This course explores advanced Python function topics such as recursion, closures, and using generator functions to generate sequences. In 12 videos, you will learn how to use decorators to add functionality to code; examine how recursion can be used to construct code to solve complex problems; and learn to write a terminating condition for a recursive function. Next, you will learn how to use an Iterator to respond to a built-in next () function. Learners will also examine closures, and how as functions they maintain their own lexical environment; and explore how closures are functions that can yield dramatic results in the distributed processing of code, and are widely used in the implementation of distributed processing frameworks. Then you will learn how to use generator functions to generate sequences. You will learn how sequences can iterated upon by other parts of your program. Finally, you will learn that using decorators offers simple ways of invoking higher-order functions.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Functions in Python: Working with Advanced Features of Python Functions

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • invoke a function from within its body
  • implement terminating conditions and return values for recursive functions
  • write simple programs that involve recursive calls
  • implement generator functions using the yield keyword
  • apply generators to create infinite sequences
  • define closures in Python
  • create closures that have access to local state variables
  • define decorators to modify pre-existing code
  • customize decorators that work with functions with different numbers of input arguments
  • chain multiple decorators that apply to the same function
  • recall characteristics of recursion, generators, and closures
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level