ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Designing Build & Publishing Strategies

Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level


Explore how to design browser artefacts, employ server build strategies, and explore various options for publishing applications.

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Designing Build & Publishing Strategies

  • design a JavaScript build pipeline using Gulp, Grunt, npm, and Bower
  • design an artifact build strategy using Less, Sass, and Font Awesome
  • design and implement a bundling and minification strategy for browser artifacts, including JavaScript, CSS, and images
  • manage NuGet dependencies
  • target runtimes, including the full .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET Standard
  • manage debug and release configurations, including compilation and optimization options
  • recognize how to include or exclude files from build
  • manage build sources, including content, resources, and shared files
  • implement metadata for projects, including version, release notes, and descriptions
  • use miscellaneous build options, including xmlDoc and warningsAsErrors
  • work with static files in ASP.NET Core
  • recognize how to publish applications using dotnet.exe
  • configure publishing options in csproj using additional tooling
  • implement pre-publish and post-publish scripts
  • compile an image and publish it to the Docker container
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level