AODA: Customer Service and Accessibility Standard - Ontario

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (the AODA) is a comprehensive law designed to make Ontario completely accessible to persons with disabilities by the year 2025. The provincial government has developed a regulation under the AODA called the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. Within this regulation are five Accessibility Standards, each of which is targeted at removing barriers for persons with disabilities in key areas of daily living. This course covers the Customer Service Standard, the purpose of which is to make the goods, services, and facilities provided by businesses and organizations in Ontario accessible to persons with disabilities. This course covers the purpose of the AODA and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard; how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities, including those who use assistive devices, service animals, guide dogs, or support people; how to use equipment or devices in order to help those with disabilities access your organization's goods, services, and facilities; instruction on what to do if customers are having difficulty accessing your organization's goods, services, or facilities; and instruction on how to approach your organization's policies governing the provision of goods, services, and facilities to people with disabilities. The information contained in these training materials is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Participating in this training program or reading these training materials does not create a lawyer-client relationship with Sherrard Kuzz LLP or with any other legal provider. Participants/readers are advised to seek specific legal advice from members of Sherrard Kuzz LLP (or alternate legal counsel) in relation to any decision or course of action contemplated.

Target Audience
Every person who is an employee or volunteer of an organization, participates in developing an organization's policies, or provides goods, services, or facilities on behalf of an organization


Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

AODA: Customer Service and Accessibility Standard - Ontario

  • identify the expectations for providing customer service in accordance with the requirements of the Customer Service Standard
  • identify the four core principles of the Customer Service Standard
  • identify customer service expectations and the four key principles under the Customer Service Standard
  • interact and communicate in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a visual disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a hearing disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a speech disability
  • interact and communicate in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a visual, hearing, or speech disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a mental health disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a cognitive disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a learning disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a physical disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who has a physical, mental health, cognitive, or learning disability
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who requires the use of an assistive device
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who requires the use of an assistive device
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who requires the use of a support person or service animal
  • interact in an appropriate manner with a customer who requires the use of a support person or service animal
  • Course Number: