Introducing Agile Software Development

Target Audience
Expected Duration
Lesson Objectives
Course Number
Expertise Level

Agile software development is an iterative, incremental approach to developing and releasing software. Agile principles include commitment to timely and ongoing software deliveries, changing requirements, simplicity in approach, and sustainable development cycles. The Agile method also promotes self-organizing, self-empowered, self-monitoring teams and individuals who work collaboratively with face-to-face communication. Agile development practices include frequent releases, ongoing testing, customer and stakeholder participation throughout the development process, co-ownership of code and pair-programming. A range of agile methodologies have emerged. All embrace the general principles of agile development but can differ in focus and level of formality. In this course you will be introduced to the principles of agile software development, and you will be provided with an overview of some of the principle agile methodologies such as Extreme Programming(XP) and Scrum. You will also consider the issues involved in applying an agile methodology in an organization.

Target Audience
Experienced developers and software project managers who wish to become proficient in the application of agile methodologies in software development projects

At least 1 year's experience designing or developing software or managing software development projects

Expected Duration (hours)

Lesson Objectives

Introducing Agile Software Development

  • identify the principles of agile programming
  • identify the main principles of XP
  • identify the main tenets of Scrum
  • recognize the seven principles of lean software development
  • identify the main features of the Kanban approach to agile software development
  • identify the features of FDD
  • recognize what happens at the three phases in an ASD project
  • identify what occurs at each stage of an AUP project
  • identify the main features of EssUP
  • recognize the features of Crystal
  • identify the main principles of DSDM
  • recognize factors to consider when moving to an agile software development methodology
  • recognize the issues organizations face when applying agile principles in given scenarios
  • Course Number:

    Expertise Level